Tuesday, January 22, 2008

3 Tangible ways

I can use my strengths in three ways this semester to make it worthwhile. By using them in my school work, my job, and my relationships.

In my school work, I can definitely use my strength as a maximizer to succeed. Everything will need to be the best it can be to meet my standards. I can also use my self-assurance to make myself feel like I can make it my best work.

My job will be almost the same as my school work. I want to work my hardest, so my strength as a maximizer will make me work as hard as I can. My self-assurance will help me know that I can work that hard. Also, since I work as a server in a restaurant, my empathy and developer strengths will help me know what's going on with people and help serve them. Thus, working with my maximizer strength

With relationships, my empathy and developer strengths will help me out again. I can figure out what's going on with people's emotions, and from there, help them achieve their maximum potential. My strength with adaptability will help me relate with people close to me and do what they want to do.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Why is it that it is so difficult to focus on what we do well? I think it is because society today only focuses on what we don't do well beause we always need to improve. By focusing on what we don't do well, we see what we're not good at, and see what we need to improve on.
Society always wants us to be better than we are. Our strengths sometimes just aren't enough for everyone. Our weakness are shown for people to critique, and supposedly make us stronger. However, that is not right. Pointing out weaknesses can be a very damaging thing to do. It can hurt our self-esteem rather than make us stronger.
Obviously what we do well is sometimes going to be hard to focus on. Take for example Peyton Manning. In Sunday afternoon's Divisional Playoff game against the San Diego Charger's, Manning threw for over 400 yards and 3 touchdowns. But, because he also threw two interceptions and lost, the game is a failure. Had he won that game he would have been praised for having such great game. Because sciety points out his flaws, he is criticized for losing.
It is hard to focus on what we do well because everyone wants us to improve.